Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Merry Christmas on 251210

Never had such an interesting and fun Xmas present exchange session for my family before...

We actually hide the presents without letting each other know the exact location and we had half an hour hide and seek session...

Ended up...some really unable to find their own of the loser is me :P

You would never expect that you would be able to hide so tight in such a small house...should have say that there are too many things squeeze in such a small house...muahahaha...

The black sesame cake and the dinner later on was so awesome and delicious cause they are full with love on this Merry Christmas...I had such a satisfied day ;)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sanctuary Care Visit on 17th Dec 2010

The gang of cute kids that hang around with me for the whole day

Two cute bear balloons made by the Balloon Maker for the day - Chai

I got one from Chai ***evil grins***

I just felt like something wrong with the color after I had completed it, finally I noticed that the collar and the belt should be in white color, spoiled the whole picture  ***pinch pinch***