juz had a small surprise tea party to celebrate my boss - lawrence's birthday...it's big tea party indeed as a lot of snacks were prepared, check out the photos...i only managed to take photos on my own snacks, not all...as i'm using my hp to take photos...at my own seat...hehe...

think i havent blog abt tis week...abt how lonely i am...how i felt the emptiness growing inside me...i forced myself to go out every nite even i'm d*mn tired...really no ideas wat's wrong wif me...
never mention as well, tat i've met up wif my secondary schoolmate raymond during jessie's wedding, what a coincidence, he's jessie's cousin...sure we did sth like exchange hp#...not to be forgotten is to come out 'n' gather around...he kept his promise 'n' finally last sat i met up wif my secondary schoolmates...long time no see frenzzz...
well...they changed a lot...i felt like i've missed out a lot, really need to catch up as they are having gathering frm time to time...most of them are getting marry soon...made me felt like i'm getting older 'n' older...but while they all wana settle down, i'm the one who wan some special changes...weirdo...
wat else do we chat...as usual - how r u getting on? how's work? how abt u 'n' ur bf? getting marry soon? still contact wif others? still remember last time when we...blah blah blah...it's nice to have such gathering frm time to time...refresh my sweet memories...i'm sure i'll join them for next round as i really need to spare my times for all my frens...
monday nite, tat's the unexpected plan...may juz bek frm redang wif her frens 'n' having dinner at chinatown...so ally 'n' me planned to find her as it's really long time din see her since she left us and went to johor...before tat, we were having our coffees at starbuck 1U...may will be back again on next friday, to have training...tat nite, ally 'n' me were organizing for the events of next whole weekend...hehe...excited when come to think abt that...
tues nite,
ahBee ivan 'n'
hideLUN is having discussion at jln pahang's mcd...it's the production team discussion...abt tat two movies which are going to start shoting...hideLUN juz drag me along as i'm taking free lift frm him...bcoz after tis, going to farewell wif
hauChuan...he's leaving soon to liverpool to further his study...quite a long period where we are not going to see each other...separation is part of life =) tat's y i had some beers tat nite...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tis is how production team works~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wed nite really really can feel the emptiness in me getting worst 'n' worst...as if at the bottom of abyss...previously sent out an email to invite some frenz for movie - poseidon, but they all ffk...pity me...try to date everyone...but reject was the only reply i received...at such moment, i understand tat the one always by your side 'n' meet up wif u no matter how...will be my best pal...so finally...went to 1U again to find ally...we had porridge at kepong 'n' chit chat a lot...
there goes my updated news...lonesome me...haha...