Friday, January 27, 2006
***chInEse nEw yeAr***

Thursday, January 26, 2006
uPdaTinG pAst eVenTs~~
yesterday 'n' the days b4, went to one utama 'n' the curve wif cuteDoris, still haven find out y both of us like to shop shop around there (bcoz nearby?), spent a lot there...but yesterday is a bit special...coz hideLUN is wif us...hehe~~din expect tat cuteDoris get along quite well wif him...**happy**

hmmm...how shud i start...the 1st time i went to one utama wif doris is to have movie - king kong if i'm not mistaken...tried out the food in thai express...the olive rice is delicious, especially the sauce, special~~v tried ramen wif dumplings and fried chickens in Hachiban Ramen...lastly wif hideLUN v had pahkoh ramen, bento 'n' sauce mee (erm...actually cant remember the exact name...hehe) in tonchan restaurant, the curve...
well...actually at 1st v planned to shop shop 'n' have dinner in the curve however...
hideLUN @8.00pm: let's go for a movie...Long Khong
cuteDoris & me: **HAH???**

Friday, January 20, 2006
Jordan! Jordan! Jordan~~~

so happy yesterday...watched the movie "the shopaholics" which starring by my beloved jordan with my dad, mum 'n' sis...the tickets was won thru the contest in china press...hehe...so lucky...the dj "ah luk" frm 98.8 oso here...he's responsible to giv away the posters 'n' presents frm the sponsor...the movie is not bad...but pointless...well, if u r planning to relax, tis movie shud b ok
when talked abt tis movie, i'm kinda angry wif myself...i'm so stupid...tat day coolJane invited me to watch the premier...which means jordan will b there...but i'm damn tired tat day...so i refused...then i realized i've made a big mistake when coolJane called me...pity me...lost a chance to meet wif jordan...T_T
anyway...i enjoy tat movie oso...even without jordan...although the feeling is kinda different...but nvm...as long as i'll always support him...hehe...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
fInaL hoMe fOr lOng niCe 'n' exciTinG triP (101205)...
today's event is Gua Niah...v went there early in the morning...v walked till the end of gua niah, total 4km, tot it was very easy job, who knows it's very very difficult as i'm a lazy bum which dun exercise at all...but it's really fun to sweat all over the body...cool~~
~~~~~~~~~~map for journey of gua niah~~~~~~~~~~
need to cross one river by taking sampan before start our walking...rumors said there're crocodiles in tat river, do u believe?hehe...
saw a lot of interesting flora like twisted tree 'n' giant tree...the cute part is the small snail...nice combination of colors on the shell...well, of coz the precious part is v get to c tis great gua niah wif the crafting which pass on decade by decade...
besides, i had an unforgetable memory there, i fell down when v were bek...T_T...it was raining, so the bridge is slippery, tat's y i fell down...so pain...my butt butt there...wu wu wu~~
tat's the time prettySylvia, cuteDoris 'n' vince made me a song...wana listen? haha...here v go...~~~cleopattra is falling down falling down falling down...cleopattra is falling down...oh it's painful~~~nice song hah?? haha...but remember not to ask me y cleopattra, ok?
well well...tat's it for gua niah's trip...after tat, v went to a nearby seaside...very windy over there...it's a nice place to relax...especially wif our extremely exhausted body...hehe...
so...tat's all for my trip...tomolo morning going bek to kl...really really dun wana go...coz east msia really a nice place to relax...prettySylvia's mum treat us real nice...she bought so many things for me 'n' cuteDoris to bring home as a present...really really thank you~~
well~~last but not least...wana take tis opportunity to thanks prettySylvia 'n' vince for planning such an excellent trip for us...appreciated it a lot...sure treat u guys a big big meal when u guys come kl...i'm so so enjoy 'n' happy during tis trip...***THANK YOU, MY DEAR***
lOng niCe 'n' exciTinG triP (081205 & 091205)...

Thursday, January 12, 2006
lOng niCe 'n' exciTinG triP (061205 & 071205)...