today's the big big day for she'll be formally known as Mrs. Vince frm today onwards...she's getting marry frm miri to brunei today~~
the special part here is tat usually bride need to go home after three days of marriage, however, prettySylvia use the express way, which is go home on the same after the ceremony ended at her house, she went to hotel 'n' change her clothes as if she's returning home on another day...

after tis, start the journey to brunei...spent 2 hours to reach there...then there's another ceremony at vince's house, due to their religion...buffet is ready for us after all these... 

come come follow me...let us go to the master room of bride 'n' groom...the princess bed is nice rite? specially designed by vince to prettySylvia...the love shape is the combination of malaysia ringgit 'n' brunei is 2999, great figure rite? tis is specially requested by prettySylvia, hehe... 

well it's turn to introduce my favourite pet - piggy...the piggy family is designed 'n' prepared by prettySylvia 'n' vince...representing dad, mum 'n' three children of them~~guess how many children they planned to have?? hehe... 

guess all of u knew tat the last programme of us for the nite - wedding dinner...pity prettySylvia need to go thru few dancing 'n' kissing for 1 minute wif vince in front of all, passing the egg carefully thru the pants tat vince wearing...but long as all of us happy happy~~
last but not least...the whole family photo...haha...the cameraman misunderstand tat me 'n' cuteDoris are prettySylvia's cousins...tat's y v are included in the photo...can u find us?? haha~~
coming up soon, episode 4...dun miss it~~haha...
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