had a busy weekend last week as cny is going to end...
10th Feb:
steamboat at sweetKelly's hse wif shiauFun, niceAlly, hideLUN, kamWai, kimFung 'n' tsunTin...met up wif sweetKelly's family members...we used to have gathering at her hse during secondary skool...stay at her hse for preparing spm, studying together, having suppers together, play ps1 games together, gambling together...memories are always good...
so tat day seemed like back to the same old day...we chit chat a lot...the old times 'n' the present...when we are getting old, it's hard to have gathering as we are busy wif our own matters 'n' we have our new frenz...so i do precious today, as it made me feel young... ;)
10th Feb:
steamboat at sweetKelly's hse wif shiauFun, niceAlly, hideLUN, kamWai, kimFung 'n' tsunTin...met up wif sweetKelly's family members...we used to have gathering at her hse during secondary skool...stay at her hse for preparing spm, studying together, having suppers together, play ps1 games together, gambling together...memories are always good...
so tat day seemed like back to the same old day...we chit chat a lot...the old times 'n' the present...when we are getting old, it's hard to have gathering as we are busy wif our own matters 'n' we have our new frenz...so i do precious today, as it made me feel young... ;)
pictures later...
11th Feb:
went to khim's hse "bai nian" wif cuteDoris coolJane yen moon ivan teo ryan 'n' his gf...went to restaurant greenview for lunch...sure muz "lou sang"...hehe...the food over there is okay...but the services is not that good...mayb bcoz of too crowded...
11th Feb:
went to khim's hse "bai nian" wif cuteDoris coolJane yen moon ivan teo ryan 'n' his gf...went to restaurant greenview for lunch...sure muz "lou sang"...hehe...the food over there is okay...but the services is not that good...mayb bcoz of too crowded...

~~~~~~~~~~5...4...3...2...haha...nice hoh??~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~before 'n' after~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~menu of the day~~~~~~~~~~
gambling is one of the program... :) however no one willing to be the banker, so we used cards to determine the 1st banker, each of us choose one card...i'm the most luckiest one as i get the smallest card 'n' tat's me who be the 1st banker... :( ivan recorded wat v have done in khim's hse, gambling, gambling, gambling...(wondering wat he's going to do wif tat clip...he wana make all of us bcome botak???)
khim's lovely pet - bodhi is a very active cute doggy...she likes to jump 'n' play around wif everyone...sure won't miss out the opportunity to take photo wif her...she's like a superstar coz she showed us her specialty...khim's hubby is the leader of the performance..hehe...
unfortunately i duno how to upload the video clip in blog...else u all can experience it by urself...
we left around 7sth...have dated niceAlly 'n' sweetKelly to sing k at 9pm at 1st...but the expenses is higher than normal as today's thaipusham...therefore we cancelled 'n' went out for a drink at pertama station one...before met up wif them, went to the curve wif yen while waiting for niceAlly to fetch me...
yen did her shopping there...she bought few skirts instead buying shoes which she planned to buy...haha~~well...i did buy sth...5 pairs of earrings...sorry ya...i broke my own promise of not to do any shoppings for the coming 3 mths...but really really cant take it when i c those pretty pretty earrings...
niceAlly was late 'n' when v reach there was already 10pm...after met up wif sweetKelly loong sweetKelly's sis 'n' kamWai, v had our dinners there 'n' of coz chit chat until 12 sth then went home...
pictures later...
12th Feb:
planning to buy my favourite soft toy - "ju zai" wif hideLUN as he promised to present it as my valentines gift...however, it was raining 'n' i felt lazy to go out...therefore cancelled...slept for the whole day at home...same like my favourite soft toy - piggyYyyYyy...
12th Feb:
planning to buy my favourite soft toy - "ju zai" wif hideLUN as he promised to present it as my valentines gift...however, it was raining 'n' i felt lazy to go out...therefore cancelled...slept for the whole day at home...same like my favourite soft toy - piggyYyyYyy...
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