well, without proper estimation, we "over-cook"...muahaha...cause the spaghetti are more than we expect 'n' the funniest thing was we bought two packets of spaghetti - we are damn sure that 2 packets are the same...who knows by the time we wanna put it into the boiled water...we noticed that one packet is angel's hair...however we already put both packets into the pot and guess what, of coz there's timing difference in cooking these two completely different thingy...so end up, a bit weird 'n' strange feeling yet great in taste...hehe
side dessert was the mushroom soup with little fishy swimming there (the fishy biscuits)... ***slurp slurp***
Burp bUrp buRp burP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
nice dinner indeed...worth for me to clean up the floor after that...muahahaha...

~~ blogging for 23082006 ~~
after the spaghetti fever, the next day...guess wat we did...we went all the way to kepong for that nice bak kut teh...tis time 1 black 'n' 1 white...white refers to the usual bak kut teh...with soups one...the black means the dry bak kut teh...u wont be able to drink it, it will be just the sauce...its always as delicious as it should be...hahaha...

~~ blogging for 24082006 ~~
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