'n' another website abt arts...
he told me tat his cousin, chinYew recently met up wif him in one of the cousin's wedding, it was the 1st time tat he chat wif his cousin for over 24 years...imagine, how weird...however its kinda cool as his cousin spent 1 mth in that small painting room to produce 40 paintings...the 1st trial was in Aug 2005...i really fell into his paintings...abstract...even i dont know wat are those paintings trying to express...but i juz love them at 1st glance...made me feel comfortable...
his 2nd trial was on Aug 2006...this time his paintings is kinda simple...besides, he came up wif a abt a boy who loves the clouds...its a good one especially the song ~ rainbow connection...must visit below link:
lastly, i must upload some photos that i grabbed frm these websites and other ppl's bloggies...enjoy~~~

there is one more...tat i like the most...but i was unable to upload it...even i tried so hard...few times already...'n' now i declare tat i gave up... >_<
wrong!! all wrong!! amend your post!!!
WoW. Damn impressive!
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