Been to so many restaurants in these 26 years of my lifetime...never ever face this type of restaurant...its impressively sucks...
this was actually happened on 14 oct, plan to have an enjoyable dinner with my friend...its a celebration as my friend earned some side incomes from uncle lim there and of course its his treat...lolz...
so...we went to aman puri area to look out for special place to have our you all can imagine, sunday night's dinner time, sure everywhere we settled down in one restaurant called "HAPPY FAMILY" (u better remember this name) which is not so crowded...thought of trying out as never been there before
we started to order, my feeling is not good while ordering, cause its funny, most of the orders are out of stocks...haha...its struggling to us that we finally made a decision of 4, forgot to tell you that we have 4 ppl actually...
while we waiting for our foods (we are kinda hungry that time), we just chit chat as usual...after waited for more than half an hour, the first serving came, but its not what we ordered, this was how our conversation go:
me: sorry ar, i thought we ordered "Yuen Chai"...
waitress: ordered "Yuen Chai"
me: but this is not "Yuen Chai" right?
waitress: ya...this is not "Yuen Chai"
me: erm...then?
waitress: this is "Dou Miao"...
me: but we ordered "Yuen Chai"
waitress: "Yuen Chai" out of stocks...thats why we served you "Dou Miao"...
all of us: huh?
impressive right? after half an hour, she told us out of stocks and she didnt even check with us whether its okay to change the menu or not...fine, we just bear with it...started our dinner and waited for another 15 minutes, second order arrived...oh poor little fishy, look at the exterior, you dont even feel like wanna discover the interior beauty...lolz...but what to do, we were so hungry after waiting for more than 45 minutes...bear with it lo guys...
and yet another 10 minutes, the waitress came and told us that the third order is out of stock, can we change the order...our feelings at that moment were "whatever it is, just let us finish the dinner asap" just do as what she said...
we did add on one order in between, finally all four orders were on the table...the portions is kinda of small and imagine that you are waiting for the last order, which is the most expected one - the prawn and try to slow down your speed in order to keep you rice...haha...its kinda of weird feeling...
whose knows another 10 minutes, the waitress arrived with crabs on her hands...i really cant take it i told her:
(our conversation is actually in mandarin)
me: we ordered "xia", not "xie"
waitress: yes yes..."xia" ar...
me: "xia" woh...not "xie" ar...
waitress: yes ar...this is "xia"
me: i told you is "xia", not "xie", pls change the order for us as we are expecting "xia" instead of "xie"
now now now, you can guess what hear all the complaints, the boss even came out and peep on us etc etc...after a while, their side is quiet and our final order came...we finished up fast and asked for the bill...
the bill is impressive...they strike out the crab...but under the line of prawn, it clearly stated rm20, but later on someone change the 2 to 5 by overwrite it (didnt bring along my camera, so didnt snap on the receipt)...what the fuck...of course we checked with her...u knew what she said "the prawn is the most expensive type, thats why it cost rm50"
**WTF** they actually counted together with the costs of crabs...i guess i havent talk about the taste...its really the sense of delicious...i would say not nice...cause my mum can do better than you tell me, if you were me, would you be willing to pay for that type of moneys?
so that whole night spoiled with all the complaints...i meant myself...lolz...
KIND REMINDER: DONT EVER THINK OF TRYING OUT THAT kinda regret, we should have wait for the crowded least i can ensure the quality since i tried before...haih...