Monday, May 15, 2006

cute Q Q...Qbar...

tis is my 1st time to Qbar (last thursday - 11th May)...wif cuteDoris again...sure u guys wondering, is cuteDoris the only frenz to tis pity little gal? haha...i'm assuming yes...wahaha...

well...din take photos there as cuteDoris always b there as my photographer...wat cuteDoris said is tat the songs 'n' musics in Qbar is much better during Thurs when compared to other's quite nice for me...i mean not juz techno, u can actually enjoy the song 'n' the's not too bad...but i saw lot of uncles there...wondering y they have such energy to dance 'n' run around...mayb the pressure nowadays is really scary, they cant find other ways to release or they have other motives??? wahaha...

tat day actually went along wif cuteDoris's frenz...eling karen fong 'n' others...cant remember all of them...quite pack we were standing at the corner there, by the bar side, where push here 'n' there by the waiter 'n' waitress...seems so pity...haha...well, i knew sth new tat nite, new dancing style - sth called shuffle, mayb i'm outdated...hehe...

actually tat day i'm d*mn tired before i went there, think of cancel 'n' sleep at home before i go...but i think i'm addicted to*t...bcoz...bcoz...have dated cuteDoris to go Qbar again in this coming Thurs...omg...i'm really addicted...anyhow...juz let it be la...not all the time ma...

hopefully next week i can get some nice photos by myself ciao~~

~~~~~~~~~~Q Q Qbar~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~nice hah~~~~~~~~~~


~~~~~~~~~~so enjoyable...guess wat tat guy is doing??
dragging the waiter to dance on the bar stage~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~rare 'n' precious shots~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~is me is me wif tat "hiao" look...haha...~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~super yummy delicious supper~~~~~~~~~~

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