Tuesday, June 13, 2006


life cycle begins with give birth, then grow up with loves 'n' cares, follow by illness, happiness, sadness that might occur, sooner or later will be the death...this is the cycle...death is the final stage that we need to face no matter willing or not...same process applied to all species - human beings, animals or plants...

well, i started to rear plants 1 mth ago...it was lavender where as per instructions, only watering needed, but sunshines can be excluded...so i've decided to leave it in my ofis...at least it can cheer me up when i felt uneasy at works...

i put a lot of efforts on it...i even sang to it...weird rite? finally it started to grow after 1 week, it's really a good beginning for me...day by day, it grows taller 'n' taller, looks nice...until one day, i noticed that the leaves became yellowish, without further considerations, i moved it to another place where it can expose to sunshines...but it's too late...it hasn't go through the complete stage of life cycle yet as it hasn't grown up completely...but now...nothing can change it anymore...it's my fault to not letting it stay under the sunshines... :(

i'm so sorry...frm the bottom of my heart...goodbye~~~

7 May 2006 - 9 June 2006

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